The new T-Roc version of the Volkswagen Urban Compact SUV, featuring rappers BewhY and RED Velvet Seulgi as ambassadors, will feature a music video on the theme of "Born Confident" (this confidential).
According to Volkswagen Korea on the 2nd, this new music video of the new Tyrok is a result of a series of worries and participation for several months by BewhY, which overwhelms the public with its unique presence and ability, and Seulgi, who leads the global K-POP craze with his unique tone, his own style and Performance.
The new Tyrock music video, which has been drawing attention since its release due to the unusual meeting between BewhY and Seulgi, has a message to trendy, confident, dignified and sophisticated Mielenials on the theme of Born Confident (This Confidential).
BewhY and Seulgi showed a proud and confident Performance throughout the music video, and the new Volkswagen brand design 'New Volkswagen' symbolized the vibrant color added visual beauty.
In particular, the music video's insertion song was inspiRED by BewhY's unique sensibility of Urban Compact SUV, and he wrote and composed it, and he revealed the core message of Tyrok, which emits a dignified presence anytime and anywhere. RED Velvet Seulgi has a dynamic Performance and Seulgi's unique alluring voice, leading the entire song to a wonderful harmony.
Rappers BewhY and RED Velvet Seulgi, who are enthusiastically supported by the Mielenier generation in each field, will continue to deliver Tyrok's unique sensibility and the core message of "Born Confident" to consumers through various campaign activities.
"Through this music video, I wanted to convey the charm of 'Born Confidential' Tyrok to many Mieleniers with the ambassador BewhY and Seulgi," said Volkswagen, managing director of marketing communications at the Shindong Cooperative. "We will continue to show various activities with these talented two stars so that Mieleniers who express their lives coolly and hilariously can enjoy, experience and sympathize with Tyrok." “I’m sorry,” he said.
The music video was released on January 29th at the official launch event of the new Tiroc, and will be released on the official YouTube channel of Volkswagen Korea on the 2nd.
Meanwhile, Volkswagen Korea launched Urban Compact SUV and new Tyrok on January 31 and will launch domestic sales. The new Tyroc is the first compact SUV to be introduced by Volkswagen in Korea and is one of Volkswagen's global best-selling models sold around 500,000 units worldwide.
In particular, the new Tyrok is another strategic model for the popularization of the imported car market that Volkswagen Korea is continuously pursuing. Based on its solid marketability, it presents new standards that have not been experienced in the compact SUV market until now.
The new brand-designed DNA-applied exterior, dynamic driving Performance that was not experienced in its class, and the new Tyroc, which has a large number of advanced technologies, is also the fourth runner of the 5T strategy promoted by Volkswagen, the strongest player in the domestic imported SUV market. With the launch of the new Tyroc, Volkswagen Korea will have a solid lineup ranging from compact SUVs to luxury SUVs from Tyroc - Tiguan - Tiguan All Space - Tuarek.