Group TOMORROW X Twogether released a Teaser video of the new album 'I lost the weather'.
TOMORROW X Twogether (Subin, Yeonjun, Bumgyu, Taehyun, and Huening Kai) presented a Teaser video of "Lost the Weather" on their third mini album "minisode1: Blue Hour" on the official SNS channel at 0:00 on the 10th.
The public footage begins with the appearance of TOMORROW X Twogether, who greets the Online World. The five members gather to take pictures and enjoy the time Twogether, and the way they spend time alone in their own space, creating a conflicting atmosphere. Then, when Huening Kai opens his eyes, he wakes up from his dream and ends up with his members again, adding to his curiosity about the story. In particular, this Teaser video has raised the expectation of the music video, which shows the way the members appear through the Online space or mobile phone screen along with the warm visuals of the five members.
'I lost the weather' is a song that solves the story of teenagers facing a completely different World due to Corona 19 fandemic. It seems that the anxiety and confusion felt after the daily life that I took for granted disappear will be expressed in the lyrics and the sympathy of the listeners will be obtained.
On the other hand, TOMORROW X Twogether, which has been showing steady growth with the 'Dream Chapter' series since its debut, has proved its unique presence by establishing its own record of 300,000 copies in its first week with 'minisode1: Blue Hour' released on the 26th of last month. It also topped the iTunes 'top album' chart in all 30 countries and regions of World, and also topped the Oricon Daily and weekly album charts in Japan, and has gained explosive popularity in all Worlds.