Group TOMORROW X Twogether has released its new album title song Teaser.
TOMORROW X Twogether (Subin, Yeonjun, Beomgyu, Taehyun, Huening Kai) posted a video of the music video Teaser of You and I found on Sky at 5:53, the title song of the third mini album 'minisode1: Blue Hour' on the official SNS channel on October 12.
The main character of the first Teaser video is Beomgyu, which begins with a light of Beomgyu sitting under a maple tree. As the screen closes up, Beomgyu's eyes slowly look up and stare at the camera create a faint atmosphere. Here, the background music, in which the calm piano accompaniment and the refreshing flick sound are harmonized, adds to the immersion of the image.
TOMORROW X Twogether has drawn a lot of topics by drawing the current social image and the refreshing quality that the online connection has increased due to the Corona 19 fan dermics through the concept photo and track list released earlier. The title song 'You and I Found in Sky at 5:53 pm' is released and the expectation of other members' Teaser and this music video is rising.
Minjee Lee