Na-hyeun, a former SONAMOO, released 'Eddie Kei (ADX-V)' pictorials...Currently preparing for Acting
On the 7th, The Ei Co., Ltd. released Na-hyeun's picture in the K-ARTIST magazine Edi (ADX-V), which renewed and launched the existing digital magazine Ei.
Na-hyeun in the public picture captured his heart with his naturally disturbed hair and brainwashing eyes in black short pants, followed by posing in a crop top shirt and short pants. Not only the perfect rate, but also the mature beauty that contradicts the usual cute and youthful image captures the eye.
In particular, the photo shoot of Na-hyeun will be taken together with the 180 Degree left and right rotation driving, and Interactive Image (Interactive Picture) will be added to the speciality.
Interactive Image (interactive pictorial) presented by EDKei (ADX-V) digital magazine has a different point of view from 2D pictorials because it can rotate 180 Degrees left and right on various smart devices and PCs. The realization of star pictorial images is expected to be implemented at the highest level, which will make a new change in the existing paper magazine and digital magazine market.
Earlier, Eddie Kei ADX-V Na-hyeun teaser video, which was released through the official SNS channel of magazine Eddie 'ADX-V', was enough to feel the Na-hyeun showing off its new charm.
Na-hyeun's Interactive Image (interactive picture) and VR Self Interview (27i Wanna Talk), which will be released in earnest following the teaser video of Na-hyeun, which is attrActing the attention of fans, will be available on the official website of Eddie (ADX-V) on September 9th.