"Yi Dong-hwi, a good Actor on the spot" (one-day answer) for everything from "Manshin: Ten Thousand SpirIts" directed by "sf8" Noduk

Director Noduk released his own production behind the broadcast of sf8' second work 'Manshin: Ten Thousand SpirIts'.
"I was curious about the SF genre," said Nodok, the first Top Model director in the SF mystery genre through 'Manshin: Ten Thousand SpirIts'. I thought I wanted to do SF someday, but It was a good opportunIty to work wIth the staff who wanted to work, so I became Top Model " Especially, 'Manshin: Ten Thousand SpirIts' is a work that adds a novel and fresh imagination to what is most familiar to us at present, so the expectation and interest of viewers are rising.
In addItion, Lee Yeon-hee, who attempted to transform visually, doubles his curiosIty about 'Manshin: Ten Thousand SpirIts'. "I thought that the character of Lee Yeon-hee Actor could fIt well wIth the image of the character in the play 'Toe Preference', and I focused on how to show what Lee Yeon-hee Actor already has rather than creating something new," said Noh Duk. make you look forward to a transformation. Also, about Yi Dong-hwi, "I was able to complete a good scene thanks to the concentration of Yi Dong-hwi Actor even in the sItuation where the surrounding condItion is not good and physical. I realized that I was an Actor wIth good power in the field. "He expressed deep faIth and affection for his performance.
Meanwhile, Ahn Kook-jin's One Week is the most interesting piece of seven other works except 'Manshin: Ten Thousand SpirIts'. "I have a good composItion, and the details of pleasant and lovely characters are careful. I also found that I could enjoy It from beginning to end because I did not miss the topic even though my senses were sophisticated overall. "He also revealed why he chose" I can not love you in One Week. "
Finally, the message I want to convey through 'Manshin: Ten Thousand SpirIts' is "Some things happen in life. The rest of your life will flow according to your will, so please have courage. "
Meanwhile, the second film, "Manshin: Ten Thousand SpirIts," a crossover project of movies and dramas, MBC cinematic drama "sf8" (SF Eight / YG Entertainment MBC, DGK / Provision waveve, MBC / Produced DGK, Sufilm), will air at 10:10 p.m. on the 21st.
1) What are the reasons and feelings of participating in this sf8' project?
- I was curious about the original SF genre. I always thought that I wanted to do SF someday, but I could not YG Entertainment and I had a heart, but It was considered a good opportunIty. In addItion, I wanted to lightly combine wIth the staff who wanted to work together in the feature film.
2) 'Manshin: Ten Thousand SpirIts' deals wIth fortune Service apps as materials. In some ways, the material called app is familiar to us now, so there is a point that has come in contact wIth us. How did you want to dissolve the material called fortune Service app in the science fiction genre, and what part did you care about to express It imagely?
- It is a science fiction genre, but It is not far from the future, so I thought It would be good to have a similar driving abilIty to the application I am using now. Ironically, It was a horoscope program that was a human worry, and I tried to implement an image that is an image of human beings. The face, heart, and other human images were combined and the art director finally made It.
3) Lee Yeon-hee's new transformation was impressive. I wonder what kind of image Lee Yeon-hee Actor wanted to draw as a director, what image he was cast in.
- Lee Yeon-hee looked at the profile of the works he had done so far and guessed why he would have Choices at that time, and I thought that he was actually brave and afraid rather than what was shown in the media. Rather than casting an image, I guessed the character of Lee Yeon-hee Actor and thought that I could fIt well wIth the image of the character To Seon Ho. When I talked to Lee Yeon-hee Actor about characters, I focused on how to show what I already have rather than creating something.
4) What if there is the most concerned part or directing point in directing?
- I wanted to drag the topic in the work not too serious, not too light. The keyword fate may harm the genre characteristics of science fiction, so I tried to express It boldly in art. We approached the costumes, makeups, and spaces of the characters more non-conventionally and wanted to convey helpless and dystopian emotions that could show 'destiny worldview' rather than the typical SF image we imagined. And I considered the point where I can symbolically deliver the characters that lead to the preference (Lee Yeon-hee), the garam (Yi Dong-hwi) and the developer Lee Ji-ham (Nam Myeong-ryeol) by replacing them wIth human-god. Overall, we have created the 'insignificantness of personal human beings in a huge world' that we feel at moments in our lives, hoping that It will not lead to pessimism.
5) Lee Yeon-hee, Yi Dong-hwi and many other Actors appeared: What if there were a breathtaking impression, and a memorable episode in the filming process?
- It was a scenario that was more than a given environment, and every time It was a schedule to digest It. Especially, the hotel scene where Kim In-hong (Seo Hyun-woo) meets was a matter of digesting all night, so there was a lot of concern about whether It would be possible. The scene where preference and garam were fought and separated in front of the hotel at dawn actually went through the night and was in a difficult state, but the sun rose and everyone was suffering from the noise of the construction, but the concentration of the Yi Dong-hwi Actor made a good scene. I have prepared a lot in an invisible place, but I realized that I am an Actor who has good power in the field. I offered greedily to the Actors who wanted to work together during the casting process of 'Manshin: Ten Thousand SpirIts', but luckily It was a happy scene for most of them. The most undirected, self-indulgent, take-taker Actor was a pigeon, and once again realized that animal acting should be erased in the scenario process.
6) I wonder what the most interesting work and the reason for It were among the seven other works except the production.
- 'I can not love you in One Week'. I had a good composItion and the details of pleasant and lovely characters were careful. Overall, the sensation was sophisticated, but I did not miss the topic, so I was able to enjoy It from beginning to end.
7) What message do you want to send to viewers through Manshin: Ten Thousand SpirIts?
- There are things that just happen in life. It's not your fault. The rest of your life will flow. So be brave.
Park Su-in