Clara posted a black and white photo on her SNS on the 30th with Hashtag called #women supporting women.
In the photo, he closed his eyes and created a fascinating atmosphere.
This post is not just about informing your daily life.
Posting black and white photos with Hashtag called #womensupportingwomen began with an attempt to inform Turkey's women's human rights issue to World.
Last year, more than 500 people were killed in domestic violence or crimes against women in Turkey, making it the most common country in World.
In order to inform this reality, domestic entertainers such as Actor Lee Min-jung and singer Gah Hee are also participating, and Clara has also added strength.
He then expressed his support to all women in the World, saying, "All women are beautiful (all women are beautiful).
Clara, meanwhile, made her debut in 2006 as the KBS2 drama 'Transparent Man's Longest' and continued her active career. In January 2019, she married a Korean-American businessman.
Recently, he has been working as MC for China Pidia TV and has been delivering issues related to China to viewers.