KBS2 Monthly Drama Born Again' (playplay by Jung Su-mi/director Jin Hyung-wook, Lee Hyun-seok) Jin Se-yeon and Lee Soo-hyuk do sweet and bloody Date.
Kim Soo-hyuk (Lee Soo-hyuk), a cold-blooded prosecutor who was unlikely to shed a drop of blood in This Again, acknowledged his mind that he could not control himself because of the idea of Jin Se-yeon, which was rising all day on the air yesterday (18th), and exploded with a straight kiss toward her.
The two men, finally bidirectional in Intimacybin's unrequited love, take their first Date today (on the 19th) and focus their attention. Especially, because they have alternated to protect each other, Kim Soo-hyuk brings Intimacy Bin directly to the Shooting range to tell him how to protect himself.
Kim Soo-hyuk, who started his daily lesson, focuses on teaching her to know whether she knows Intimacy Bin's trembling heart. Kim Soo-hyuk's white-haired demonstration through the target, as well as his affection for inserting the headset directly into Intimacy Bin, and his strong hand, which fixes his posture while holding his shoulder and arm, are well anticipated.
The fate of the three men and women who go to and from the breathtaking melodies and suspense continues today (on the 19th) at 10 pm on KBS 2TV's Drama Born Again'.
Photo Offering: UFO Productions, Monster Union