Broadcast: Pohang CBS Radio <Kim Yoo-jung’s Special Talk East Coast> FM 91.5 (17:05-17:30) Produced: Kim Sun-young PD Proceeding: Kim Yoo-jung Announcer Talk: Gyongju constituency Kim Kyung-soo Daeun Jeong candidate
4.15 Candidates to look at the qualities and pledges of our local Candidates for the general election. From today, we will meet Candidates for the Gyeongju constituency. First, let's meet Kim Kyung-soo Daeun Jin. Hi.
Hello, Daeun Jeong> Hi, this is Daeun Jeong.
Kim Yoo-jung> I will listen to the reason why you are running for this election first, the side of running.
Daeun Jeong> Yes. Say hello again; Kim Kyung-soo Gyeongju, a parliamentary candidate, is Daeun Jeong. Our National Assembly is too much in the 5-60s. The average age is 55.5 years old, even if we look at the last 20th National Assembly. The current age of lawmakers makes it too difficult to follow rapid social changes, and I think the same is why laws and systems do not represent the lives of our people. The Swedish prime minister is in his mid-30s, as I am, because European society has a dynamic because it gives young people enough to lead change through the system. In particular, only certain political parties have been in power for the past 20 years. The population was dispersed and the function of the city center became too weak as the residential complex was built on the outskirts without planning to strengthen the city center function. We need to diagnose it right now and present the direction for the race to go forward. With that responsibility and eagerness, we are running this time.
Kim Yoo-jung, who is unfamiliar to voters. Goyo, I would like to introduce you to your career. Tell me what the strengths of Candidates alone are different from other Candidates.
Daeun Jeong> I am a nine-year-old child, seven-year-old child, and a mother of two children who have been involved in environmental and educational civic groups in Gyeongju. I started civic group activities after the September 12 earthquake, hoping that children would live in a safer world. Citizens' groups want to improve the environment of education and nature, and they are asking the government to solve such problems. Citizens' activists have heard the voices of citizens directly from the field, so they are willing to solve the problem and are quick. The right politics of thinking about the people must be delivered to the story of the field. Especially the youth problem will be more so. My strengths can be summarized as 'I was always in the field' and 'youth party'.
Kim Yoo-jung> Then, please tell me in detail what kind of pledge you have for the development of Gyeongju.
Daeun Jeong> Gyeongju has been out of the country for the past few years, tens of thousands of Gyeongju citizens who supported the city center as apartments were built in large quantities on the outskirts. The population variance has weakened the function of the city center. The problem of population shortage is a common problem not only in Gyeongju but also in other small and medium cities, so it is a long-term problem to be solved at the national level, but as I mentioned earlier, I think that the problem of weakening the city center function due to the population distribution of Gyeongju can be solved in a short period of time through policy means. Many Candidates have now made promises to increase their population, and have continued to repeat them now and in the past. However, it is judged that the fact that the population will increase immediately in this situation, which has been progressing for a long time, has been a phenomenon of declining fertility rate and concentration centered on the metropolitan area where infrastructure is well equipped. So I made a commitment to focus the distributed population into the city center.
Specifically, we remodeled empty houses and old houses in the central shopping mall, and there are four universities in Gyeongju. Goyo will do its best to concentrate the youth population in the city center in connection with urban regeneration by preparing university dormitory and youth residential space. In addition, Gyeongju already has a city regeneration budget secured last year. If I become a member of parliament, I will try to secure the budget as a member of the ruling party so that the city function can be strengthened properly in addition to the budget.
Kim Yoo-jung So far, it has been a common question. Now I will ask you a separate question. There was a lot of unexpected response to the nomination of Chung, a young woman in her 30s. Some people criticize that the nomination is wrong, so what do you think?
Daeun Jeong> I am a 35-year-old young man and a woman. There are voices of concern about new politicians. Even in the age of the fourth industrial revolution, which is changing so rapidly, even in the 5-60s with many experiences and wisdom, I think that the young party who is most concerned about the problem should participate more actively in politics in order to act more actively and quickly in social change. The current spirit of the times is also called 'youth politics.' As I said, the average age of the 20th National Assembly members was 55.5 years old. I think that it is difficult to follow rapid social changes and not fit the global trend with the age composition of this member of parliament. So I hope that women and young people will actively participate in politics and make political changes for a new generation and a new era.
Kim Yoo-jung The contestants who are in the election together are not easy. The active member and two former members of the parliament came out as independents. And I know that the Justice Party candidate is also supported by a lot of progressives, which election is not going to be easy. What election strategy are you working on?
Daeun Jeong> Yes. All of them are good Candidates. As a candidate for the ruling party who wants the success of the Moon Jae-in administration and the uninterrupted reform, I will try to ensure that the candlelight policies are implemented stably. In the process, we will try to ensure that reform policies are misunderstood or misunderstood and that they are delivered to citizens. Then I think that Gyeongju citizens will probably experience new politics for the new era.
Kim Yoo-jung Now, Corona 19 is the situation where Candidates can not campaign to face voters directly. Tell me how you're meeting voters and making sure you're noticing the Candidates.
Daeun Jeong> Yes. In fact, it is too hard for a new politician to give his name. However, as a responsible ruling party candidate, I think it is more urgent than the election campaign to prevent the spread of Corona 19 and to resolve the anxiety and inconvenience of the people. So we're avoiding direct-to-face contact campaigns as much as possible. We're promoting morning, evening, and SNS. From the standpoint of a new politician, I am so glad and thankful for providing such a good place.
Kim Yoo-jung " Finally, I will finish the interview by listening to what I want to say to the voters.
Daeun Jeong> Love Gyeongju Citizens, Gyeongju is the place where children will be born in Gyeongju, children will be raised in Gyeongju, and children will live in the future. You have no choice but to love the race, you have no choice but to change the race better; you have to choose Daeun Jeong for a better race, a better change.
Kim Yoo-jung> Yes. 4.15 general election Candidates individual talks.Gyeongju constituency Kim Kyung-soo Daeun Jeong met. Thank you for saying.
Daeun Jeong> Yeah