group TOMORROW X Twogether has raised expectations for a new album with concept Trailer.
TOMORROW X Twogether (Subin, Yeonjun, Bumgyu, Taehyun, and Humanning Kai) released the concept Trailer of their second mini album 'Dream Chapter: eternity' on the official SNS channel of Big Hit on April 29.
This concept Trailer is a video that implicitly melts TOMORROW X Twogether's new album 'Dream Chapter: eternity'. A boy's sense of alienation among his friends was expressed visually using the spatial background such as tables and Kwon Yuri boxes.
The public image begins with five members sitting around a small circular table and playing with each other and enjoying each other. As time goes by, Subin is not well involved in conversation with members and shrinks. Reflecting Subin's anxious psychology, the table grows larger and the distance between Subin and other members becomes even further away. Knowing he was trapped in a transparent Kwon Yuri box, Subin taps and screams on the wall, but Subin's voice is not heard by the members.
Concept Trailer, like a story, is finished with the word 'Save me', which amplifies the curiosity of fans around the world.
Especially, the delicate emotional performance of the members unfolding for 4 minutes and the harmony of background Music stand out. At the moment Subin was blocked by the wall of Kwon Yuri, a singer Yoon Sang's A was inserted to maximize his immersion.
Minjee Lee