A rapper Rupee pictorial has been released.
Rupee recently filmed and interviewed fashion magazine Arena Homme Plus.
This picture, which was taken in a colorful suit in a scrapyard, contains Rupee's intense and free-spirited charm. In a subsequent interview, Rupee told a genuine story about his attachment to the Madewell 1937 album, his reflection on his life, and the beauty of Hip hop needed for the city.
“This is a time when Michael Jackson might not be able to get out with the Madewell 1937 album,” Rupee said. “The patterns of content consumption are very fast, the songs are shortened by two minutes, and people can not tolerate serious things. It may seem meaningless to value and devote myself to the album in this age, but I was in awe of the Madewell 1937 album from an early age. So I put it off and put it off. When I found out how to use my voice, I made a regular and now. "
On the other hand, as the head of Hip Hop Rable Mekkaine, which belongs to Napla, Blue, and the left, Rupee laughed, saying, "It is a hundred points for empathic leaders, but it is a boss who has failed in the same era when people like Jojo are loved rather than Ubi." He says that empathy is the greatest comfort in modern society, and says, “Let’s say I live on the 20th floor with a fear of heights, so when I see someone on the 19th floor, I smile. But can we smile at someone on the 200th floor? How dare you? Each person will have different emotions. But there is something to sympathize with. I try to understand everyone’s position as much as possible.”
Rupee, who painted the trajectory from Seoul to Los Angeles and Seoul again, looked back at his life and said, "I live on Earth wherever I am. Hip Hop culture was good, love for oneself, and attitude to share diversity without competition. I started Hip hop because I wanted to resemble it. "I confessed to Hip hop." It would not be easy to think of someone as cool if it was like me. Rupee, who defined that being cool is different from others, said, "All the beauty of the world is outside the problem of eating and living. The beauty of Hip hop is to say what you want to say and tell what you want to say rather than what others want to hear. It is also the beauty needed for this city. "
Park Su-in