“This Car Parking Worship is the one that we have been working on how to make sure that we can provide minimum number of people with the safety of the church and prevent the spread of coronavirus.”
Cho Hee-seo, a pastor of Seoul Citi Church in Jungnang-gu, Seoul, began a Sunday Worship sermon at 11 am on the 29th of last month. Pastor Cho was standing at the Songgok High School playground, not the church river, and the church members stopped at the playground and listened to the preaching that was frequencyd on the radio in the car and transmitted by radio.
On this day, Worship was made in the form of 'Drive in', where the members were in the car. The Seoul Citi Church built an auditorium in Songgok High School and used it as a Worship Party, so it was able to use Songgok High School playground as Car Parking. This Drive in Worship is said to be the first case introduced in Korea.
"The members of the north, like the city of Uijeongbu, Gyonggi Province, please press the Claxon bread twice," the members welcomed each other with a horn. Some reached out of the middle window of Worship and shouted "Hallelujah".
The body is somewhere else, the mind is one place
The weekend Worship landscape of some churches has changed in the aftermath of the new coronavirus infection (Corona 19) group infection. On the same day, the unusual appearance was also unfolded at Online World, which was held through YouTube by the Sanul Church in Gunpo, Gyonggi Province.
The church, which could not be gathered in one place, gathered the praises in their respective spaces and united them together, allowing the body to feel like a chorus, although it is elsewhere.
Lee Seung-han, a pastor of Sanul Church, said, "I could not gather the praise team prepared for the special express in one place, so I worked on binding the images prepared at each place and made them into a chorus." Since then, a video has been released, which was composed of nine women and five men, and the song, Not Grace, prepared in advance by the church's praise team, was sang in a comfortable place, and then edited together to sound like a chorus. Among the members, there was a reputation such as "I was impressed" and "I was comforted when I could not easily gather".
Some of them share their own business data in the Corona 19 crisis, where members can not gather together. “We’re going to release it for all families that are scattered and organized to prevent the spread of corona,” said Sinkwise, an institute at the Education and Civil Service. “We expect this situation to be a chance to make a phone call,” Sinkwise said.
Actor Lee Sung-kyung appeared in the Online business video of Seoul Oryun Church on the 13th of last month. Lee Sung-kyung sang the song 'Wish, Hope and Pray' at the '21 Day Video SEK Prayer for the Country and Nation' released on YouTube at the time.
The video, which features Lee Sung-kyung, has 990,000 views on Thursday afternoon. Actor Park Shin-hye promoted the same SEK prayer meeting and said, "It is difficult to gather together with Corona 19 to work together, but I hope that we will keep basic preventive measures and overcome Corona 19 well while working in each position."
Most churches will continue their Online Worldship on the 5th. “We know that most of the churches will go to Online Worldship on the 5th to set up a high-intensity social distance,” said a church official. “The place where field work is given will be strictly followed by preventive measures.”