"This is Jamsil-dong and you're a pro."
The lg Twins made Their first appearance on The Jamsil-dong mound this year. Lee Min-ho, The first rookie of The year, and Kim Yun-stock, The second left-hander, said, "This year, all of The new players are coming out. "It's my first start in The Jamsil-dong."
First on The mound is Kim Yun-stock, who pitched as The second pitcher for The Blue Team, giving up three hits in two innings and blocking him without a run. He pitched well in The first inning and one hit in The first inning in Icheon on The 17th, and raised expectations for 2Kyonggi consecutive coaching staff.
Kim Yun-stock also showed off his sense of stability by freely spraying all his own species including curves, sliders, and change-ups, including The maximum 142km The. He pitched 25 balls against eight batters, and There were no four.
Kim Yun-stock hit a left-handed hit in The third inning against Yu Kang Nam and Jung Ju-hyeon in The first inning, throwing The into The first baseman fly and Then throwing 141km The to Lee Chun Woong. He also allowed a heavy hitter to The Hyun-soo Kim, but The batter was out of second base and kept The innings scoreless. In The fourth inning, Che Eun Seong and Kim Ho-eun were treated as first baseman grounders and shortstop straight hits, respectively, and Then gave Kim Min-sung a heavy hit, but he overcame Jeon Min-soo with a right fielder.
Lee Min-ho made his first start in The fifth inning after Kim Yun-stock; The pitching content was unsettling; he had four hits in one inning and two runs. The speed remained 144–147 km, but There were many balls in The middle; 21 pitches and one strikeout. 1 after throwing 145km The to Yu Kang Nam, he was hit by a double in The middle. Jung Ju-hyeon was struck out with a 147km The, but Lee Chun Woong allowed a surprise bunt hit on The third base and was driven to The first and third bases.
Lee Min-ho gave up a right-handed hit to The 144-kilometer The in The middle of The game to Hyun-soo Kim, and scored an additional one run by hitting a left-hand double to Che Eun Seong in The first and second bases of The second inning.
Both players reportedly dreamed of a Jamsil-dong mound as amateurs; Kim Yun-stock, after Kyonggi, said: "Pro seniors are really different. Lee Chun Woong's senior hit (three innings) was impressive. I felt it today that I had to have a few balls and I should not throw it in The middle. "" I felt that Jamsil-dong was very big. "
Lee Min-ho said, "The opportunity to start baseball was after seeing Kyonggi here when I was young. "It was pleasant to pitch in Jamsil-dong, and I tried to concentrate," he said. "Of course, I dealt with batters I have not experienced before. I thought this was a professional, I think, when I was dealing with Yu Kang Nam Hyun-soo Kim Che Eun Seong.