The 2008 Wrestle AD was released as a Running Man' issue.
SBS entertainment program Running Man' was broADcast on the 9th, and Ji Suk-jin and Jeon So-min were born and published as a commemorative Race to commemorate the publication of the book. Ji Suk-jin and Jeon So-min were team leADers.
Remembrance CF ambassADor, challenge to the Letsby AD was drawn.
The AD that the members have to match is Retsubi AD. Jeon So-min, "I watched this AD audition," he said.
Members hAD to hit the section where Actor Lee Hyun-jin told Yoo Da-In, "I think I'm getting a good old man or a fever," and Yoo Da-In said, "I look more beautiful because I'm sick."
Haha of the Seokjin team then gave Song Ji-hyo the same ambassADor, leADing to the correct answer and leADing to cheers.