'Itaewon Klath' Kim Dong-hee apologized to Park Seo-joon.
In the 8th episode of Crime Chief jtbc's Golden Earth Drama 'Itaewon Clath', which was broadcast on the 22nd, Park Seo-joon was in crisis because of Jang Dae-hee (Yoo Jae-myeong).
On that day, Knotweed water (Kim Dong-hee) asked Park, "I heard what our family did to my brother, why didn't you tell me?" "Your brother, my father and my problem, you're just you," said Park. "I wanted to think that if it was Roy, it would be so. That's what my brother said.
Asked why he wanted to work at night, Park said, "I thought you needed a place to lean on then, and I could override it, and I thought it would be that place."
Since then, Knotweed water has bowed his head, saying, "Everything our family has done to my brother, I am really sorry."
Photo = jtbc Broadcasting Screen