group Astro Cha Eun-woo overwhelmed the gaze with a spring-calling visual.
On the 26th, Paulham official Instagram posted several new pictures of Cha Eun-woo. The uploaded photo showed Cha Eun-woo in a Pink Man to Man T-shirt and khaki pants.
Cha Eun-woo's superior glamour was outstanding with his tall, stretched limbs, especially his hair color, which attracted attention with Pinkish color.
Cha Eun-woo's dazzling look shone from her expressionless expression, with distinct features including large eyes, a sharp nose and thick lips.
The fans who responded to the photos responded such as "Pink Man to Man looks so good", "Pink is Pink to hair" and "It is warm".
Meanwhile, Cha Eun-woo donated 30 million won to the Hope Bridge National Disaster Relief Association to support COVID-19 damage.