Running Man' Lee Hee-Jin "Kan Mi-youn bouquet test, I wasn't confident about marriage within six months"

Baby V.O.X Lee Hee-Jin tells the story of Kan Mi-youn's bouquet.
On SBS Running Man' broadcasted on the 8th, Lee Hee-Jin from Baby V.O.X will reveal the story of the team member Kan Mi-youn's marriage bouquet.
Lee Hee-Jin, who recently appeared on Running Man', revealed his unchanging friendship among Baby V.O.X members, referring to the news that he had been to the Kan Mi-youn marriage ceremony.
However, Lee Hee-Jin said, "I did not receive a marriage-style bouquet; there was a saying that if I did not marriage within six months after receiving a bouquet, I would have to live my life solo. I did not get a bouquet because I was not confident to marriage within six months, "he said, Confessions said.
"Running Man official love" Jeon So-min, who felt solo camaraderie, told Lee Hee-Jin, "I know how to not have to marriage in six months after receiving the bouquet." He laughed at Lee Hee-Jin and all others.
For more information on what honey tips Jeon So-min has initiated to Lee Hee-Jin, please visit Running Man', which is broadcasted at 5 pm on the 8th.
Photo = SBS