![The welcome dinner society is Jung Woo-sung..Miribon Han - ASEAN SEK Summit The 3rd Han-ASEAN (ASEAN and the Association of Southeast Asian Nations) SEK Summit and the 1st Han-Mekong Summit in Busan are filled with summits and various other events attended by President Moon Jae-in and ASEAN leaders.The 3rd ASEAN SEK Summit, which is the 3rd since 2009, is the People, or the People and the Prosperity. It does.People and prosperity form a New Southern Policy 3P with Peace.Han on 23rd - Singapore, 24th Smart City groundbreaking ceremonyPresident Moons schedule will begin in earnest on Saturday, 23. In Seoul, he will have a summit with Prime Minister Li Senlong Singapore (23rd) and King Hasanal Volcia Brunei (24th).President Moon will attend the groundbreaking ceremony for the Busan Eco Delta Smart City towards Busan on Monday afternoon, one of the key content of the Han-ASEAN cooperation.CEO Summit on 25th, massive welcome dinnerPresident Linda Ronstadt, President of Korea and ASEAN, and President of Culture and Innovation Forum will hold Summits on the 25th, followed by Prime Minister Pratt Ocha, President of Indonesia Joko Widodo, Prime Minister of Hun Sen Cambodia, and President Rodrigo Duterte Philippines.A welcome dinner attended by the ASEAN leaders and outsiders, also at Linda Ronstadt.Actor Jung Woo-sung will be held in the society and will be held on a scale of about 300 people including invitations from the Indian culture and arts community.In the business world, Lee Jae-yong, vice chairman of Samsung Electronics, vice chairman of Hyundai Motor Group, vice chairman of Hyundai Motor Group, Chey Tae-won, SK Group chairman, Koo Kwang-mo, LG Group chairman, and Shin Dong-bin, Lotte chairman.Han - ASEAN SEK Summit, StartUp Summit, 26thOne - ASEAN SEK Summit will be held in BEXCO and will be held in two sessions.In addition, President Moon is busy with his bilateral summit with Prime Minister Tong Lun Suri Laos, the National Advisor to Myanmar.StartUp Summit, Innovation Growth Showcase, etc. In the afternoon, Han-Mekong welcome dinner will be held. Han-Mekong Summit on the 27th, Malaysia and Summit on the 28thPresident Moon will return to Seoul after completing the joint press release after the Korea-Mekong summit on the 27th.In Seoul, the ASEAN Week will be finalized only after a summit with Vietnamese Prime Minister Nguyen Suan Fuk (27th) and Prime Minister Mahathir bin Mohamat Malaysia (28th).Korea Sales with Innovation as a topic of harmony and respectNorth Korean leader Kim Jong-uns trip to Busan has become virtually difficult, highlighting Indias schedule, including CEO Summit, Innovation Growth and StartUp.It is aimed at actual performance rather than political diplomacy symbolism.Blue House India Adviser Joo Hyung-chul said, We expect to conclude the one-Philippines, one-Malaysia FTA (free trade agreement).Korea will participate in the construction of ASEAN Smart City, or plan to conclude a bilateral free trade agreement (FTA) with member countries. The ASEAN welcome dinner (25th) is a menu on the theme of taste of mountains, taste of the sea and taste of the land.Desserts made from rice from Korea and ASEAN countries are on the table.Lee Tae-ho, the second vice minister of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, said in a radio interview on the 21st, We have prepared the menu with care to make a menu separately in the language of each country.We will discuss in a wide and in-depth manner ways to further enhance the level of active cooperation in various fields such as trade and investment, infrastructure, defense and defense, agriculture, health, development cooperation, culture and human exchange, said Ko Min-jung, spokesman for Blue House.We will reaffirm the support of each ASEAN nation for the Korean Peninsula peace process that our government is pursuing with this Summit, said Ko. We will also discuss ways to cooperate for peace and prosperity in the region and the international community beyond Korean Peninsula.[MT Report] One - ASEAN SEK Summit](https://t1.daumcdn.net/news/201911/21/moneytoday/20191121144601241cbbc.jpg)
The 3rd Han-ASEAN (ASEAN and the Association of Southeast Asian Nations) SEK Summit and the 1st Han-Mekong Summit in Busan are filled with Summits and various other events attended by President Moon Jae-in and ASEAN leaders.The 3rd ASEAN SEK Summit, which is the 3rd since 2009, is the People, or the People and the Prosperity. It does. People and prosperity form a New Southern Policy 3P with "Peace."
Han on 23rd - Singapore, 24th Smart City groundbreaking ceremony
President Moon's schedule will begin in earnest on Saturday, 23. In Seoul, he will have a Summit with Prime Minister Li Senlong Singapore (23rd) and King Hasanal Volcia Brunei (24th). President Moon will attend the groundbreaking ceremony for the Busan Eco Delta Smart City towards Busan on Monday afternoon, one of the key content of the Han-ASEAN cooperation.
CEO Summit on 25th, massive welcome dinner
President Linda Ronstadt, President of Korea and ASEAN, and President of Culture and Innovation Forum will hold Summits on the 25th, followed by Prime Minister Pratt Ocha, President of Indonesia Joko Widodo, Prime Minister of Hun Sen Cambodia, and President Rodrigo Duterte Philippines.
A welcome dinner attended by the ASEAN leaders and outsiders, also at Linda Ronstadt. Actor Jung Woo-sung will be held in the society and will be held on a scale of about 300 people including invitations from the Indian culture and arts community. In the business world, Lee Jae-yong, vice chairman of Samsung Electronics, vice chairman of Hyundai Motor Group, vice chairman of Hyundai Motor Group, Chey Tae-won, SK Group chairman, Koo Kwang-mo, LG Group chairman, and Shin Dong-bin, Lotte chairman.
Han - ASEAN SEK Summit, StartUp Summit, 26th
One - ASEAN SEK Summit will be held in BEXCO and will be held in two sessions. In addition, President Moon is busy with his bilateral Summit with Prime Minister Tong Lun Suri Laos, the National Advisor to Myanmar. StartUp Summit, Innovation Growth Showcase, etc. In the afternoon, Han-Mekong welcome dinner will be held. Han-Mekong Summit on the 27th, Malaysia and Summit on the 28th
President Moon will return to Seoul after completing the joint press release after the Korea-Mekong Summit on the 27th. In Seoul, the "ASEAN Week" will be finalized only after a Summit with Vietnamese Prime Minister Nguyen Suan Fuk (27th) and Prime Minister Mahathir bin Mohamat Malaysia (28th).
Korea Sales with 'Innovation' as a topic of 'harmony and respect'
North Korean leader Kim Jong-un's trip to Busan has become virtually difficult, highlighting India's schedule, including CEO Summit, Innovation Growth and StartUp. It is aimed at actual performance rather than political diplomacy symbolism.
Blue House India Adviser Joo Hyung-chul said, We expect to conclude the one-Philippines, one-Malaysia FTA (free trade agreement). Korea will participate in the construction of ASEAN Smart City, or plan to conclude a bilateral free trade agreement (FTA) with member countries. The ASEAN welcome dinner (25th) is a menu on the theme of "taste of mountains", "taste of the sea" and "taste of the land". Desserts made from rice from Korea and ASEAN countries are on the table. Lee Tae-ho, the second vice minister of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, said in a radio interview on the 21st, "We have prepared the menu with care to make a menu separately in the language of each country."
"We will discuss in a wide and in-depth manner ways to further enhance the level of active cooperation in various fields such as trade and investment, infrastructure, defense and defense, agriculture, health, development cooperation, culture and human exchange," said Ko Min-jung, spokesman for Blue House.
"We will reaffirm the support of each ASEAN nation for the Korean Peninsula peace process that our government is pursuing with this Summit," said Ko. "We will also discuss ways to cooperate for peace and prosperity in the region and the international community beyond Korean Peninsula."
[MT Report] One - ASEAN SEK Summit