"90s Seo Kang-joon and Park Bo-gum" in the appearance of 'I really need' Jun Hyun-moo, Kim Seung-hyun and Choi

Kim Seung-hyun and Choi will appear on the JTBC entertainment program Come Talk to Me, which will be broadcast on the 22nd.
Choi, who was loved by girl fans with Kim Seung-hyun and 'Chung' who were MCs of the 90s song program, was perfectly Jaehyun in those days. From costumes to hairstyles, it appeared as a visual in the 90s.
Jun Hyun-moo introduced Kim Seung-hyun and Choi as Seo Kang-joon and Park Bo-gum' in the '90s and explained the popularity at that time. Choi recalled, "The fan letter I received a week filled a box of large refrigerators."
Meanwhile, Kim Seung-hyun and Choi also show their personal 'then' personal periods that stopped in the 90s like frozen humans. Lee Jin-hyuk, who saw this, was embarrassed by the first time in his 90s, and could not speak, and Boom made Kim Seung-hyun nicknamed it 'Asian Nojam'.
Kim Seung-hyun and Choi, the memorable teen stars who will bring perfect Jaehyun and joy to the 90s, will be released at the 10th JTBC Come Talk to Me, which will be broadcast at 11 pm on the 22nd.
Photos JTBC