All The Butlers' Shin Sung-rok, appeared as a daily student...Lee Seung-gi and Lee Sang-yoon

All The Butlers Actor Shin Sung-rok appeared as a daily student.On SBS All The Butlers broadcast on the 8th, Lee Sang-yoon, who is glad to see Shin Sung-rok, was drawn.Lee Seung-gi, Yoo Sung-heeong, Lee Sang-yoon, who gathered at an empty venue on the day, said they invited daily disciples to celebrate Chuseok.Lee Sang-yoon was worried that the person who comes will give us strength or another burden.Yang Se-hyeong said, I felt it while I was living with my brother, but it was not a burden. Lee Sang-yoon laughed, saying, I thought about me.The daily student stepped out, followed by a glitzy footstep: Yang Se-hyeong said, When I saw my feet, Sang-yoon has a sense of strength.The daily pupil was Shin Sung-rok.Shin Sung-rok was a close friend of Lee Sang-yoon who played basketball together, and Lee Seung-gi had a relationship with Baega Bond.Photo = SBS Broadcasting Screen

All The Butlers' Actor Shin Sung-rok appeared as a daily student.

On SBS All The Butlers' broadcast on the 8th, Lee Sang-yoon, who is glad to see Shin Sung-rok, was drawn.

Lee Seung-gi, Yoo Sung-heeong, Lee Sang-yoon, who gathered at an empty venue on the day, said they invited daily disciples to celebrate Chuseok. Lee Sang-yoon was worried that "the person who comes will give us strength or another burden." Yang Se-hyeong said, "I felt it while I was living with my brother, but it was not a burden." Lee Sang-yoon laughed, saying, "I thought about me."

The daily student stepped out, followed by a glitzy footstep: Yang Se-hyeong said, "When I saw my feet, Sang-yoon has a sense of strength." The daily pupil was Shin Sung-rok. Shin Sung-rok was a close friend of Lee Sang-yoon who played basketball together, and Lee Seung-gi had a relationship with 'Baega Bond'.

Photo = SBS Broadcasting Screen