Recently, the distribution industry has been sponsoring products to protect the loyalty of the advertising Model, not the PPL to use the popularity of the stars, or is launching a generous support offensive for the fans of the stars.
Like the case of 'reverse tribute' that started in return for the support of the fans, the company has also decided to keep the advertisement Model as a partner, not as a contract relationship.
In April, Gong Cha showed a special affection for the brand Model Lee Seung-gi by preparing a reverse-action event by preparing a Gong Cha Drink in the drama double bond shooting scene where Lee Seung-gi plays the lead role.
AMOREPACIFIC organized a big back-to-back event for fans of Jenny Kim, a member of the girl group Black Pink, who was selected as the Model of Hera Pheri (HERA) in February.
Hera Pheri has set up 400 Black The Gifts, consisting of new foundations and lip products, to present to fans with Jenny Kim. The Gift also included a photo card with a message that Jenny Kim left in her own handwriting, "I prepared for Blink."
Yuhan, along with actor Kim Hyo-jin, donates 1.4 tons of animal feed brand wellness products to the "Happy" organic dog shelter in Jeju Island.
"Happiness," who has been working in Jeju Island for 16 years and has been looking after organic dogs, has been reported to be a daily worker and has been preparing and cleaning feeds since 5 am to care for more than 70 organic dogs.