The Toei Animation Running Man, co-planned and produced by SBS and Friends, was selected as a public relations ambassador for Children's Day and Children's Week.
On May 5, the Friends announced that the character of Toei Animation Running Man was selected as the ambassador for the 15th Children's Week and 97th Children's Day Event in 2019 hosted by the Ministry of Health and Welfare and organized by the Korea Children's Organizations Council.
The Toei Animation Running Man' characters, selected as ambassadors for Children's Day, will hold various prize Events and Events for children and their families visiting the City Hall Plaza. We also provide a mission book for children who visit the Children's Day site, and we also have a photo zone where children who receive the stamp after the game mission can leave memories with the characters along with toys related to Toei Animation Running Man and various prizes. The highlights of Running Man: The Last Winner, which moved Toei Animation Running Man to a children's musical, will be held twice in the afternoon.