The new SBS entertainment show 'Beautiful Autumn Village, Michuri' stars comedians Yoo Jae-Suk and Yang Se-hyeong, actors Kim Sang-ho and Kang Ki-young and Son Dam-bi and Im Soo-hyang, group Black Pink Jenny Kim and Gag Woman Jang Doyeon.
'Beautiful Village, Michuri' is a new entertainment program of Jung Chul-min PD, who directed Running Man' in the past. "It is not the concept of utopia Construction known in some parts," Jung PD said on SBS on the 1st. "The cast, which is hard to gather in one place, gathered. “We can’t reveal it in detail yet, but it will be a ‘de-genre’ entertainment that is different from the variety entertainment we often think of,” he said.
A different cast draws Eye-catching. Kim Sang-ho, Kang Ki-young, Son Dam-bi, who turned into an actor in Singer, and Im Soo-hyang, who became popular as JTBC's My ID is Gangnam Beauty, and emerging new actor Song Kang, who played as a new Stiller in movies and dramas.
Yang Se-hyeong, who had been in contact with Yoo Jae-Suk in MBC 'Infinite Challenge', and Jenny Kim and Jang Doyeon, who became a hot topic after Running Man', also have strength.
The Beautiful Village, Michuri will be broadcast for the first time in November.
From Yoo Jae-Suk to Jenny Kim ..SBS new entertainment 'Michuri'