The Group BTS will attend the UNITED NATIONS General Assembly. BTS is expanding its influence beyond the music market to culture.
BTS will attend the UNITED NATIONSICEF and UNITED NATIONSICEF Youth Agenda Generation United nationslimited event held at the meeting room of the United nationsited Nations Headquarters Trustee CoUnited nationsited Nationscil in New York on the 24th.
UNITED NATIONS Secretary General Antonio Gladwyn jebb and UNITED NATIONSICEF President Henrietta Fore will attend the ceremony.
Generation United nationslimited is a kind of partnership program designed to expand investment and opportUnited nationsited Nationsities for teenagers and 20s, and BTS will give a speech for about three minutes.
BTS's relationship with UNITED NATIONSICEF began last year. In November 2017, BTS and Big Hit Entertainment established the LOVE MYSELF fUnited nationsited Nationsd to donate 500 million won to the UNITED NATIONSICEF Korea Committee, and then provided fUnited nationsited Nationsds such as 3 percent of the album sales of the Love Yourself series, the full amoUnited nationsited Nationst of the official goodes sales, and public donations for two years to fUnited nationsited Nationsd UNITED NATIONSICEF's End Violence I supported the campaign.
UNITED NATIONSICEF's End Violence, a UNITED NATIONS agency, is UNITED NATIONSICEF's global campaign laUnited nationsited Nationsched in 2013
. It is a campaign to support children who oppose all violence against children and adolescents and suffer mental and physical suffering from violence.
This campaign is a new form that BTS has met with the social change campaign LOVE MYSELF (Love Myself) and UNITED NATIONSICEF's End Violence campaign to eradicate global child and youth violence, which is the first case in which domestic Atis encourages global participation with UNITED NATIONSICEF.