"Kister 2018 Korea Music Festival" was held on the afternoon of the afternoon at the Gokok Sky Dome in Seoul Kure-n-ku.
"Nose Mipe" is organized by the Korea Management Association sponsored by Keitha Group Co., Ltd., and is not a performance of an expression showing one of the existing concerts, but " Type resonance festival "as a theme.
Today "Kister 2018 Korea Music Festival" includes group Wanna One and Update Weiss, iKON, Mama Radish, SF 9, Lovum, Space Girls, Victon, Wiki Mickey, NEONPUNCH, Gim Dong Han, Hashtag, TRCNG, HU B, KARD, IN 2 IT , 27 flocks, Halo, Joel, Gabi, Imchaeon, Woo Jin Young X Kim Hyun-soo, and Brothers, Maitin, Soul Latina, and Blomance, Migyo, total 27 teams appeared.
Group Wanna One Member River Daniel has gone through, so holding a word holds performances.