Actor Lee Dong-wook showed off her fashionista downside by unveiling the 2018 F/W pictorial of the Italian emotional men's wear Brünobafi, which she has entered in WellMade, a fashion specialty store that is working as a full-time model.
This picture, which was based on the concept of modern City lifestyle, improved the perfection by combining Lee Dong-wook's unique eyes and City sensibility with the look of the 2018 F/W season, which contains Brünovapi's wit and sophistication.
Lee Dong-wook showed off the style of all Black set-up suits from the formal suit fashion that shows classic yet chic charm, and showed off the fashion sense by digesting the so-called boyfriend look with a casual look matching the Black father jacket or Jackets jumper.
Lee Dong-wook's autumn fashion picture can be found in the fashion shop Wellmade's offline store, cleaning mall, and official SNS channel.
Meanwhile, Lee Dong-wook is playing the role of Ye Jin-woo, an emergency medical center specialist in JTBC drama 'Life'.