'National Peek' Kang Daniel, Idol Chart Rating Ranking 18 consecutive weeks with the most votes

<p>In the July 3 parking idle chart rate ranking tabulated by the last 26 days, Kang Daniel recorded the most votes with 5536 votes in total. Despite the blank period of the group Wanna One, he keeps the highest number of votes at the 18th weeks rating rankings.</p><p>Then, Jimmin (Dark & ​​amp; Wild, 3686 votes), Vee (Dark & ​​amp; Wild, 2726 votes), political bureau (Dark & ​​Wild, 1217 votes), Ha Nebula (Wanna One, 508 votes), Jean (Dark & ), Bakujifun (Wanna One, 241 votes), Hwang Min-hyun (Wanna One, 134 votes), Dark & ​​amp; Wild (132 votes), Okinai (Wanna One, 122 votes) rose to the top.</p><p>Wanna Ones members are showing high popularity, such as the number of votes cast like Idefi and Bejinyoung rising.</p><p>Meanwhile, the evaluation ranking of the idle chart is a chart that can give direct evaluation to my favorite singer once a day, and is counted based on every Thursday night at 12 oclock (Friday late night).</p>

In the July 3 parking idle chart rate ranking tabulated by the last 26 days, Kang Daniel recorded the most votes with 5536 votes in total. Despite the blank period of the group Wanna One, he keeps the highest number of votes at the 18th week's rating rankings.

Then, Jimmin (Dark & ​​amp; Wild, 3686 votes), Vee (Dark & ​​amp; Wild, 2726 votes), political bureau (Dark & ​​Wild, 1217 votes), Ha Nebula (Wanna One, 508 votes), Jean (Dark & ), Bakujifun (Wanna One, 241 votes), Hwang Min-hyun (Wanna One, 134 votes), Dark & ​​amp; Wild (132 votes), Okinai (Wanna One, 122 votes) rose to the top.

Wanna One's members are showing high popularity, such as the number of votes cast like Idefi and Bejinyoung rising.

Meanwhile, the evaluation ranking of the idle chart is a chart that can give direct evaluation to my favorite singer once a day, and is counted based on every Thursday night at 12 o'clock (Friday late night).