Girls' Generation and TWICE, who represent an era, met. To the Confessions of TWICE's younger siblings, Girls' Generation Kwon Yuri offered warm comfort.
TWICE Nayeon and Jihyo appeared as guests on JTBC Kim Je-dong's Talk to You 2 - Happy Song You' broadcast on the 24th.
Jihyo and Nayeon, who have experience in entertainment programs, are the first to have a talk concert type program, said, "I am worried that I will make a mistake because it is the first time I have a talk-only entertainment." Kwon Yuri, who watched this smile with a smile, said, "Girls' Generation has changed numbers, but TWICE is like a Friendly brother because of the similar number of members." "It will be better to talk to Friends and family comfortably."
Like those who had dreamed after a long effort, there was a student who dreamed of Singer in the audience, and the student in the audience told him about his troubles when he compared his skills with other Friends.
Nayeon, who listened to this, said, "I chose this path because I liked to stand on stage. I have been doing it for 6 to 7 years, and I have compared it to someone who is better than me, and I thought, 'No matter how much practice I practice, I will not be as good as him.' From that moment on, my skills did not increase there, "he said." From that time on, it was hard, but I also thought a lot about not comparing my mind. Since then, I have seen my mind feel comfortable and my skills feel better. Of course, it was hardest to put my mind down. It is hard, but I think it will be overcome if I have greed for myself. "
Jihyo also said, "I have been in Idol Producer for more than 10 years, I thought a lot about when I could debut, and I was worried that the job of Singer was the right clothes for me. Then when I wanted to give up too much, I met a team called TWICE and became a Singer. "
Jihyo said: "I thought I'd be so happy, but I wasn't; I was originally a lead vocal, and suddenly I became the main vocal, and the burden was so great that I cried every day. Being a Singer didn’t make me happy. I was afraid of the way others looked at me. Then I first got a solo concert, and I first knew that I was happy when I saw people happy in my song. "
Jihyo also talked about the responsibility of TWICE as leader. Kwon Yuri, who was listening to this, said, "Jihyo shows the responsibility of the leader." However, if you work for a long time, the role disappears. If one Friend is hard, he can help you from the side and think from another Friend's point of view. "
Kwon Yuri, who heard the story of TWICE sisters from his senior standpoint over time. The warm meeting of the two girl groups shone 'Talk to You 2'.