I'm going to tell you a hot new song. I hope these articles will be a short trip to you.
The main character, Anpanman, who appeared in the picture book series of Japanese cartoonist Takashi Yanase, has been airing on Japan NTV since 1988 as an animation <Flying Anpanman>. It was also very popular in Korea in the 1990s.
The main character is Anpanman, the weakest Hero in the world. Like Batman and Superman, there is no superpower, but if you see a difficult person, it is a good Hero who helps you and takes your face off when you see a hungry person. If Batman and Superman are stars Hero who appear somewhere in an emergency, Anpanman is a small-scale Hero who stays close to him for a long time and keeps his side.
BTS sings 'Anpanman (Anpangman)', which compares themselves to Anpanman. Although he has nothing, he said he wanted to give hope to people only with music and stage performances. It is not the strongest Hero in the world, but the bulletproofness in identifying himself with the weakest Hero. The subversive idea that it can be Hero, not Hero, but weak, is because it leads to the story that bulletproof has done so far.
This can be seen as a key message for the album name 'LOVE YOURSELF' series. In this album, which says that loving myself is the beginning of true love, 'I' is not just a strong and satisfying me. It is a consistent message that you should love 'real me' even if you are lacking and flawed. The title song 'FAKE LOVE' is a doll with a mask rather than me to be loved, but the end is the same context. When you take off your mask and accept me as it is, the real 'LOVE YOURSELF' is realized.
"What a wonderful Hero I can give my romantic/but is only Anpan."
"I'm not a superHero/ Don't want a lot/I can be your Hero/ I don't know if this is a fair thing/But I have to do it, Mom/Who else I'm going to do/You can call me say Anpan"
The good thing about this song is that it is honest. There are many people who lie about what they do not have when they talk about what they do not have. I want to keep my pride by saying that I do not want to have it because I can not. If you are such a person, you will try to deceive yourself by saying, 'I do not want to be SuperHero Movie, I am wonderful as it is.' However, when I look at the lyrics of 'Angfang Man' above, I admit that "I am not a superHero" although it is "My romantic Hero". What I want is to be a wonderful Hero, but now I feel confident and loving myself in the attitude of being honest that I am not SuperHero Movie.
"I'm a new generation Anpanman."
"I'm a new superHero Anpanman."
Comes as the most brilliant lyrics in the song: "I'm the New Hero" this declaration gives you the key to loving yourself, the declaration of weak Hero as well.
I'm Anpanman, I'm Anpanman, the weakest Hero in the world, and I'm the new SuperHero Movie. It is a cool, authentic conclusion. Like the lyrics "Waiting for You Anpanman/ I'll give you more strength/I'll be your strength/I'll be your strength", BTS follows the Anpanman-style Hero model, which takes off his face, Anpan, because he has nothing to give. Hero, who is praised for his strength and ability like Batman, and Hero of other new eras.
"To be honest and fall/to disappoint you all/But I'll be there for you/I'll fall again/I'll make another mistake/I'll be muddy again/ Believe me I'm Hero/ Yeah yeah"
Anpanman can say himself Hero because he knows that he is an Anpan made by the master of baking bread, even though he is a mistake-filled muddy Hero. Anpanman is a weak but never weak Hero.
'Anpanman (AnpAnpanman)' by BTS