Comedian Kim In Suk, a hard-to-believable Guts compete in the Muscle Mania tournament

Comedian Kim In Suk will compete in the Muscle Mania Championship, which will be held between 27th and 28th of the month. Kim In Suk is reported to have been thoroughly managing and exercising his diet for three months with MK GYM trainer Jo Myung Gi. Kim In Suk will be on stage on the second day of the 28th. He went to the tournament with Exercise because he had full support and Cheering from his wife Angela Park. Kim In Suk’s aide said, “I know that Kim In Suk, a rumored pathologist, started Exercise again after hearing his wife say, ‘I’ll think about my second plan when I’m going to be Guts with Exercise.’” Kim In Suk reduced his body fat by more than 10 percent and went on a thorough diet that showed a clear abs at a glance. With eight weeks of severe diet and Exercise, he has been reborn as Guts. Four years later, they were once again in a show of triumph to challenge Guts. Kim In Suk said, “The goal is not the Prime Minister. "It is heartbreaking just to compete with wonderful participants at the end of the fight with him at the age of forty," said Angela Park, wife of Kim In Suk, who also won the bodybuilding competition in two years after giving birth. Max and MaxQ co-hosted and hosted by Bodybuilding, Muscle Mania Classic, Model, Mizbikini, Figure, Fijik and Fitness.