
Twogether' pd "Lee Seung-gi and Ryu Ho, more than expected Bromance...Both want Season 2"

2 Twogether' pd "Lee Seung-gi is Jewelry, Ryu Ho is a gemstone"

Twogether' Jo Hyo-Jin and Ko Min-seok pd "Lee Seung-gi and Ryu Iho, I Cast Without Hesitating" (Interview)

Twogether' pd "Lee Seung-gi = Arts Jewelry, Ryu I-ho = Arts circle stone"

Jo Hyo-Jin pd "Lee Seung-gi, entertainment One Top Potential Friend...Fresh to read"

Twogether' Jo Hyo-Jin pd "Lee Seung-gi and Ryu Ho also want season 2.

Twogether' Jo Hyo-Jin pd "Season 2 Expectations, Ryu Ho seems to be tough"

Twogether' Ryu Ho "Lee Seung-gi, a person with a lot of ..Learn a lot"

Running Man' pd "tentth anniversary Honor Thank You...members friendship is the biggest asset"

'Elegant Friends' pd "During the year 5 Chemie Gahi Best, I'm not a scene to throw away"