
'Let's Eat Dinner Together' Overcoming House Fraud + Extreme Diet Success, Positive Pleasure Son Dam-bi

"Get a drink" Son Dam-bi "House Records of the Grand Historian, also on the news."

'Knowing Brother' Jung Sang-hoon, until he gets rid of his nameless sadness and becomes 'the main character'

"Knowing Brother" Son Dam-bi " Former Manager, I fell into gambling and robbed my house."

"Knowing Brother" Son Dam-bi "I went to the bath and was photographed...Golden NO"

Son Dam-bi "Been a Pre-Manager in gambling, Steal My Underwear" (Men on a Mission)

Lee Sang-min Real Debtmaker Perceives Men on a Mission' as Creditors Receive Call

Men on a Mission' Min Kyung Hoon "I have not received contact information for performers for three years"