
Running Man' Kim Jong-kook wins home Anyang Race...Fugitive team arrest

"This brother's nickname is a straw stone stone," Yoo Jae-Suk, a "Running Man," wrote in Innocent Witness Ji Suk-jin.

Lee Kwang-soo caught by Running Man' Anyang's son, '7.5%' for the best minute

Running Man' 1 second before win, Lee Kwang-soo 'best minute' caught by Kim Jong-kook

Lee Kwang-soo 'one second to win' caught by Running Man' Anyang's 1 minute 7.5%

Still running Running Man' 2049 TV viewer ratings are as strong as the number one spot

Lee Kwang-soo, caught by Kim Jong-kook 'one second before winning'... Running Man' best 1 minute '7.5%'

Lee Kwang-soo caught by 'Anyang's son' Kim Jong-kook a second before Running Man' win

Running Man' Lee Kwang-soo, caught by Kim Jong-kook a second before winning, 'best minute'

Running Man' Lee Kwang-soo, 1 second before winning Kim Jong-kook .. Best 1 minute '7.5%'

Lee Kwang-soo, who was caught by Anyang's son Kim Jong-kook one second before the Running Man' 1 minute 7.5%

Running Man' Kim Jong-kook X The Chaser, Kim Jong-kook Finds Race' Final Win...What's the prize money distribution?