
NU'EST side "Hwang Min-hyun, Milan shooting new song movie...part of full comeback"

Hwang Min-hyun, who is brilliant like snow, first step back to NU'EST

Han Hye-jin's 'Auxiliary Dogs Are Attractive'

Han Hye-jin's 'Beauty of Charming'

Han Hye-jin's 'Orange Hair in Water'

Hwang Min-hyun 'Milan Milan Fashion Week will be back soon.!'

Lee Sung-kyung, prettier just

Lee Sung-kyung 'Doll person?'

Lee Sung-kyung 'The beautiful pure white of fashion'

Han Hye-jin, the subtle eyes

Jung Eun-chae, 'Lovely Eyes.'

Jung Eun-chae,'A Digested Pose.'

Jung Eun-chae, 'A Sweet Position.'

Han Hye-jin, get off dangerously

Jung Eun-chae 'Baek Ok-like Skin Beauty'

Lee Dong-wook, Sunshine Little Smile

Son Tae-young 'sincere smile'

Choi Yeo-jin 'incredible rate to report'

Son Tae-young 'going out of elegant department store'

"The King of the Oooh X Sik"...Kim Nam-joo, Alluring Attraction