
Lee Seung-gi - Park So-dam, 'Golden Disc Lovely MC'

Lee Seung-gi - Park So-dam, enter with his arms crossed affectionately

Lee Seung-gi 'soft Smile'

Lee Seung-gi - Park So-dam, Tearful MC

Lee Seung-gi - Park So-dam, 'Golden Disk Sun-Nam Sun-Nam MC'

Lee Seung-gi - Park So-dam 'Golden Disk Awards MC'

Lee Da-hee and Sung Si-kyung and Park So-dam and Lee Seung-gi, Golden Disk Awards MC

Lee Da-hee - Sung Si-kyung - Park So-dam - Lee Seung-gi, '34th Golden Disk' MC confirmed!

Lee Da-hee and Sung Si-kyung and Park So-dam and Lee Seung-gi confirmed 34th Golden Disk MC

Lee Da-hee and Sung Si-kyung and Park So-dam and Lee Seung-gi confirmed 34th Golden Disk MC

Lee Da-hee and Sung Si-kyung and Park So-dam and Lee Seung-gi, '34th Golden Disk Awards' 4MC selection

Lee Da-hee and Sung Si-kyung and Park So-dam and Lee Seung-gi confirmed 34th Golden Disk MC

Lee Da-hee and Sung Si-kyung and Park So-dam and Lee Seung-gi confirmed 34th Golden Disk MC

Sung Si-kyung and Lee Da-hee and Lee Seung-gi and Park So-dam, 34th Golden Disk MC confirmation (official)

Lee Da-hee and Sung Si-kyung and Park So-dam and Lee Seung-gi confirmed 34th Golden Disk MC

Lee Da-hee and Sung Si-kyung and Park So-dam and Lee Seung-gi confirmed 34th Golden Disk MC

Lee Da-hee and Sung Si-kyung and Park So-dam and Lee Seung-gi confirmed 34th Golden Disk MC

Lee Da-hee and Sung Si-kyung and Park So-dam and Lee Seung-gi confirmed '34th Golden Disk' MC

Lee Da-hee and Sung Si-kyung and Park So-dam and Lee Seung-gi, 'Golden Disk' MC points

Lee Da-hee and Sung Si-kyung and Park So-dam and Lee Seung-gi, '34th Golden Disk' MC Activity...Fantasy co-work preview