'Soul repair' to signal average, 9 years back Doctor download..this time, the geeks of

His average is 9 a year, but in the back of the mouth was.5 6 the first broadcast is slated to KBS 2TV new every soul repair(the extreme of this direction shall / rendering Hyun)is a mind sick people to curerather than healingthat believe that the spirit of Science and doctors tell the story of our mind prescription days.KBS in an have a medical drama, soul repairis any drama in earnest not covered of mental health Department ofe ... The protagonist, including the mental health of the Department of doctors and agitation, trembling, helpless from a delusional disorder until modern if anyone has or can suffer is of mind to treat the disease find a doctor patient they work.Especially soul repairis the heart of health care about the importance of time in the mental health of the College of creative drama, to the point that previously did not introduce the story which was unfolded in that creators and actors in a special challenge seems to be. Soul repairthis is what the stories show is there.Soul repairto another point: the title control This level Acting God to the average life of the character if you notice it. His average of mental and professional transformation of high interest and that is why he is already brainthrough a doctor robe on and life character neurosurgeon Lee Kang Hoonto completed because. Time signal average success rushed to the local, and ambition over the health distinguished itself by the mean world syndrome caused was.Because his mean soul repair joined News was preached to trust to the average target medical dramawhat to expect viewers to the voices of gloom. Signal average 9 years in the selected medical drama, soul repairthrough some Acting and show Wait.His average is the figure soul repair This level is the brain Lee Kang Hoon and 180 degrees other charms into a theater the viewers laughter and empathy, and healing to be scheduled. Time standard hitch and sometimes a wacky one, but for the treatment of patients in and does not heat the blood doctor it. Unique positive energy to the patient vitamin be warm charm of owner.Until now, the public Stills and trailers from This level is a psychiatrist in the patients surgery, home to the perfect geek new look from the middle of the night the streets look up cheerfully and intense unpredictable character of the birth of Jesus and was.Every artwork is the impressive Acting to viewers and thick confidence accumulated his average finish to be an attractive character in This level is to wait with. Meet again brainstorming type expression in PD and Jung So Min, Tae Ho, Park Ye Jin as actors and complete healing synergy is also expected.Soul repair side is This level is a geek like, but trust can be so compelling and humans with figures. Somewhere a tap was like to be a psychiatrist, This level of story to expect thethat said.His average and Min of healing care and expression in PD-this affects our writers chest warm up as the story of remembered as the soul repairis coming 5 6 KBS 2TV via the first broadcast

His average is 9 a year, but in the back of the mouth was.

5 6 the first broadcast is slated to KBS 2TV new every ‘soul repair’(the extreme of this direction shall / rendering Hyun)is a mind sick people to ‘cure’rather than ‘healing’that believe that the spirit of Science and doctors tell the story of our mind prescription days.

KBS in an have a medical drama, ‘soul repair’is any drama in earnest not covered ‘of mental health Department of’e ... The protagonist, including the mental health of the Department of doctors and agitation, trembling, helpless from a delusional disorder until modern if anyone has or can suffer is of mind to treat the disease find a doctor patient they work.

Especially ‘soul repair’is the heart of health care about the importance of time in the mental health of the College of creative drama, to the point that previously did not introduce the story which was unfolded in that creators and actors in a special challenge seems to be. ‘Soul repair’this is what the stories show is there.

‘Soul repair’to another point: the title control This level Acting God to the average life of the character if you notice it. His average of mental and professional transformation of high interest and that is why he is already ‘brain’through a doctor robe on and life character ‘neurosurgeon Lee Kang Hoon’to completed because. Time signal average success rushed to the local, and ambition over the health distinguished itself by ‘the mean world’ syndrome caused was.

Because his mean ‘soul repair’ joined News was preached to ‘trust to the average target medical drama’what to expect viewers to the voices of gloom. Signal average 9 years in the selected medical drama, ‘soul repair’through some Acting and show Wait.

His average is the figure ‘soul repair’ This level is ‘the brain’ Lee Kang Hoon and 180 degrees other charms into a theater the viewers laughter and empathy, and healing to be scheduled. Time standard hitch and sometimes a wacky one, but for the treatment of patients in and does not heat the blood doctor it. Unique positive energy to the patient vitamin be warm charm of owner.

Until now, the public Stills and trailers from This level is a psychiatrist in the patient's surgery, home to the perfect geek new look from the middle of the night the streets look up cheerfully and intense unpredictable character of the birth of Jesus and was.

Every artwork is the impressive Acting to viewers and thick confidence accumulated his average finish to be an attractive character in This level is to wait with. Meet again ‘brainstorming’ type expression in PD and Jung So Min, Tae Ho, Park Ye Jin as actors and complete healing synergy is also expected.

‘Soul repair’ side is “This level is a geek like, but trust can be so compelling and humans with figures. Somewhere a tap was like to be a psychiatrist, This level of story to expect the”that said.

His average and Min of healing care and expression in PD-this affects our writer's chest warm up as the story of remembered as the ‘soul repair’is coming 5 6 KBS 2TV via the first broadcast