Running Man' Lee Kwang-soo "Jo In-sung gave up Health screenings" best friend certification

Lee Kwang-soo has certified his best friend with Jo In-sung.On SBS Running Man, which will be broadcast on May 10, actor Lee Kwang-soo will reveal the story of receiving Health screenings with Jo In-sung, who is famous for his best friends in the entertainment industry.In a recent recording, Yoo Jae-Suk introduced that Lee Kwang-soo received health screenings with Jo In-sung and Lee Kwang-soo said that Jo In-sung gave up health screenings, and the members said, Do you get paid if you act as a deacon?, I work more than 50 hours a week He said, Lee Kwang-soo, a deacon, and laughed.When the talk about The Closet came out, Yoo Jae-Suk continued to tease Lee Kwang-soo, saying, The Closet is hanging in the Lee Kwang-soo neighborhood like Jo In-sung and Health screenings. In the end, Lee Kwang-soo burst into anger and laughed at the scene. I made it.Park Su-in

Lee Kwang-soo has certified his best friend with Jo In-sung.

On sbs Running Man', which will be broadcast on May 10, actor Lee Kwang-soo will reveal the story of receiving Health screenings with Jo In-sung, who is famous for his best friends in the entertainment industry.

In a recent recording, Yoo Jae-Suk introduced that "Lee Kwang-soo received Health screenings with Jo In-sung" and Lee Kwang-soo said that "Jo In-sung gave up Health screenings", and the members said, "Do you get paid if you act as a deacon?", "I work more than 50 hours a week "He said," Lee Kwang-soo, a deacon, "and laughed.

When the talk about 'The Closet' came out, Yoo Jae-Suk continued to tease Lee Kwang-soo, saying, "The Closet is hanging in the Lee Kwang-soo neighborhood like Jo In-sung and Health screenings'. In the end, Lee Kwang-soo burst into anger and laughed at the scene. I made it.

Park Su-in