Song Hye-kyo, freckle makeup + REDrip digestion 'Doll Visual'

Actor Song Hye-kyo showed off a different style.Song Hye-kyo posted a promotional video for the Singapore edition of the fashion magazine Elle on his Instagram story on the 26th.In the video, Song Hye-kyo produced an exotic atmosphere with long wave hair, freckle makeup and RED lip.Song Hye-kyo, who perfectly digested the intense RED costume, captivated the eye by completing a Doll-like visual.Song Hye-kyo is reviewing his next film, and recently donated 10,000 copies of the Korean language guide to Professor Seo Kyung-duk and the Chinese government office in China for the establishment of the Provisional Government of the Republic of Korea.

Actor Song Hye-kyo showed off a different style.

Song Hye-kyo posted a promotional video for the Singapore edition of the fashion magazine "Elle" on his Instagram story on the 26th.

In the video, Song Hye-kyo produced an exotic atmosphere with long wave hair, freckle makeup and RED lip. Song Hye-kyo, who perfectly digested the intense RED costume, captivated the eye by completing a Doll-like visual.

Song Hye-kyo is reviewing his next film, and recently donated 10,000 copies of the Korean language guide to Professor Seo Kyung-duk and the Chinese government office in China for the establishment of the Provisional Government of the Republic of Korea.