"One Clath" Park Seo-joon "Learn a lot on Roy the Baksae...I'm growing too."

Park Seo-joon, One Clath, expressed his affection for the Roy Character.Park Seo-joon asked about the most memorable ambassador when he was Acting Roy, saying, It is hard to say that there are too many new ambassadors.I also have a lot to learn from Roy. I want to live such a life that I am the subject of my life without any compensation, he said.In fact, after shooting, I forget the ambassador well, but this ambassador has not been forgotten as much as I have been.  I seem to be growing through the new Roy, he said.On the other hand, One Clath, which started broadcasting on the 31st of last month, is a work that depicts the hip rebellion of youths who pursue freedom with their own values ​​on the small streets of Itae, which seems to have compressed the world.Lee Tae-One Klath continued its high-rated ratings every time, and its highest audience rating was 12.6 percent in the 8th broadcast broadcast on the 22nd.It is broadcast every Friday and Saturday at 10:50 pm.

Park Seo-joon, “One Clath,” expressed his affection for the Roy Character.

Park Seo-joon asked about the most memorable ambassador when he was Acting Roy, saying, "It is hard to say that there are too many new ambassadors. I also have a lot to learn from Roy. "

"I want to live such a life that I am the subject of my life without any compensation," he said. In fact, after shooting, I forget the ambassador well, but this ambassador has not been forgotten as much as I have been. "" I seem to be growing through the new Roy, "he said.

On the other hand, One Clath, which started broadcasting on the 31st of last month, is a work that depicts the 'hip' rebellion of youths who pursue freedom with their own values ​​on the small streets of Itae, which seems to have compressed the world.

Lee Tae-One Klath continued its high-rated ratings every time, and its highest audience rating was 12.6 percent in the 8th broadcast broadcast on the 22nd. It is broadcast every Friday and Saturday at 10:50 pm.