'Friday night' Lee Seung-gi, Hanwa Factory Challenge... Labor started in hospitality

Lee Seung-gi took to the Factory Experience with Han on Friday night.On the afternoon of the 17th, TVN entertainment program Friday Friday night featured Lee Seung-gi who went to Han and Factory.Lee Seung-gi, who was in charge of Experience Life Factory on this day, waited for Bus to work for Factory Experience with Han.Lee Seung-gi said, This time, I will optimize the condition of body and mind together from work.At this time, Bus appeared at work with Han and Factory seniors; the senior found Lee Seung-gi and grabbed his hand with a welcome Who is this?The two boarded Bus, followed by many of the staff on Bus.The staff were all happy to Lee Seung-gi, who handed over the Hongshi, which they cherished to eat.Lee Seung-gi smiled at the hospitality of his employees, saying, Today we are starting very warmly.

Lee Seung-gi took to the Factory experience with Han on Friday night.

On the afternoon of the 17th, TVN entertainment program 'Friday Friday night' featured Lee Seung-gi who went to Han and Factory.

Lee Seung-gi, who was in charge of 'experience Life Factory' on this day, waited for Bus to work for Factory experience with Han. Lee Seung-gi said, "This time, I will optimize the condition of body and mind together from work."

At this time, Bus appeared at work with Han and Factory seniors; the senior found Lee Seung-gi and grabbed his hand with a welcome "Who is this?" The two boarded Bus, followed by many of the staff on Bus.

The staff were all happy to Lee Seung-gi, who handed over the Hongshi, which they cherished to eat. Lee Seung-gi smiled at the hospitality of his employees, saying, "Today we are starting very warmly."