Park Seo-joon "heartbreaks to delete memories" after YouTube hacks

We have detected activities that seem to have been hacked, such as blocking access to managers and deleting posts on the Park Seo-joon personal YouTube channel on the morning of the 9th day, said Park Seo-joon agency Awesome E & T. He said.We will formally request the Cyber ​​Investigation Unit to investigate, and we will inform you of the suspension of the Record PARK channel until accurate identification of the damage is made.Park Seo-joon, who suffered from hacking damage, was saddened by his instagram saying, I feel sick because I have been deleted even my memories. I hope there is no secondary damage.Park Seo-joon opened a YouTube channel in July and communicated with fans.

"We have detected activities that seem to have been hacked, such as blocking access to managers and deleting posts on the Park Seo-joon personal YouTube channel on the morning of the 9th day," said Park Seo-joon agency Awesome E & T. "He said.

"We will formally request the Cyber ​​Investigation Unit to investigate, and we will inform you of the suspension of the 'Record PARK' channel until accurate identification of the damage is made."

Park Seo-joon, who suffered from hacking damage, was saddened by his instagram saying, "I feel sick because I have been deleted even my memories. I hope there is no secondary damage."

Park Seo-joon opened a YouTube channel in July and communicated with fans.