BTS 'Top Artist' 8th place...United States of America Billboard Year-end Settlement Chart

BTS ranked 8th in the United States of America Billboard year-end settlement chart this year, ranking two places higher than last year's 10th.

According to the Billboard website on Monday, the first place is , was followed by Drake; followed by Post Malone, Ed Sheeran, Taylor Swift, Cardi Bee, XXX Tentasion and Imagine Dragons. Bruno Mars and Camilla Cabeyo followed BTS in ninth and tenth place respectively; the top Artist rankings are based on radio broadcast time, sound recordings, record sales and streaming material.

Three albums released by BTS this year also entered the Billboard 200 album category. 'Love Yourself Noise Answer' is 85th, 'Love Your Self Former Tier' is 10th place , Love Yourself Win Her ranked 150th, followed by Top Artist-Duo Group, and Independent Artist's first place. , 'social 50 Artist' first place , 'World Album Artist' first place I'm on.