Aid fairy Eugene 'first outing after second birth'

Actor Eugene is preparing to greet the signing ceremony of the Lyke Impa Forest Creation Campaign at the Samsung Jong-Ro Tower Week in Gongpyeong-dong, Seoul on the morning of the 13th.Eugene, as a planner of the Lyc-Impa, signed a fine dust prevention forest development agreement with Triplanet to help Ali to make the forest more important for the future of young children and to make it easier for many to participate in the forest creation campaign.

Actor Eugene is preparing to greet the signing ceremony of the "Lyke Impa Forest Creation Campaign" at the Samsung Jong-Ro Tower Week in Gongpyeong-dong, Seoul on the morning of the 13th.

Eugene, as a planner of the Lyc-Impa, signed a fine dust prEvention forest dEvelopment agreement with Triplanet to help Ali to make the forest more important for the future of young children and to make it easier for many to participate in the forest creation Campaign.