"Today Like a Fairy": Heo Young's Day

Heo Young, a native of KARA, has unveiled his latest selfie.Heo Young posted a picture on his Instagram on the afternoon of the 6th.In the photo, Heo Young smiles as she takes a selfie, with a cute features that catch her eye.The netizens who watched this are responding such as It is like a fairy, It is going to be more beautiful, Today is Leeds.

Heo Young, a native of KARA, has unveiled his latest Selfie.

Heo Young posted a picture on his Instagram on the afternoon of the 6th.

In the photo, Heo Young smiles as she takes a Selfie, with a cute features that catch her eye.

The netizens who watched this are responding such as "It is like a fairy", "It is going to be more beautiful", "Today is Leeds".