Lee Soon-jae, 'Actor to 83-year-old Shin Gu brother is Heart'

Actor Lee Soon-jae and Shin Gu are leaving Incheon International Airport on the morning of the 4th to shoot TVN entertainment Superman Returns.Lee Soon-jae Shin Gu Park Geun-hyung Baek Il-seob Kim Yong-gun Lee Seo-jin will be together with Superman Returns directed by Na Young Seok PD.2018.06.04.

Actor Lee Soon-jae and Shin Gu are leaving Incheon International Airport on the morning of the 4th to shoot TVN entertainment 'Superman Returns'.

Lee Soon-jae Shin Gu Park Geun-hyung Baek Il-seob Kim Yong-gun Lee Seo-jin will be together with 'Superman Returns' directed by Na Young Seok PD. 2018.06.04.