"Jung Woo-sung mockery controversy" Yoon Suh-in "How did everyone find my number?"

There is controversy about the strong criticism of Jung Woo-sung by Webtoon writer Yoon Suh-in.When you come to Korea, you become like a ghost, said Yoon Suh-in, capturing the screen where his name was on a real-time search query.If you come to Korea, you will be like a ghost again. I want to meet a good fortune teller and get a consultation.Yoon Suh-in was controversial because he strongly criticized Jung Woo-sung, who appealed to Lets do it with Refugee for World Refugee Day.Yoon Suh-in said to Jung Woo-sung, Why do not you want to be a Hope for me? Mr. Woo Sung.I live with at least a few people and say this. In addition, a man wrote a cartoon about a man lying on a luxurious house sofa and enjoying Instagram with the article One cut comic for a pebble: I will live with a good horse.The man in the cartoon writes the sentence Lets be a Hope to you Refugee ... so you can guess that Jung Woo-sung has been comically comically portrayed.

There is controversy about the strong criticism of Jung Woo-sung by Webtoon writer Yoon Suh-in.

"When you come to Korea, you become like a ghost," said Yoon Suh-in, capturing the screen where his name was on a real-time search query.

"If you come to Korea, you will be like a ghost again. I want to meet a good fortune teller and get a consultation."

Yoon Suh-in was controversial because he strongly criticized Jung Woo-sung, who appealed to "Let's do it with Refugee" for "World Refugee Day".

Yoon Suh-in said to Jung Woo-sung, "Why do not you want to be a Hope for me?" "Mr. Woo Sung. I live with at least a few people and say this. "

In addition, a man wrote a cartoon about a man lying on a luxurious house sofa and enjoying Instagram with the article "One cut comic for a pebble: I will live with a good horse." The man in the cartoon writes the sentence "Let's be a Hope to you Refugee ..." so you can guess that Jung Woo-sung has been comically comically portrayed.